Location Tag: Camping

Rudd Pond, Taconic State Park

Part of Taconic State Park, Rudd Pond has a small swimming area with boat rental available.  The swimming area is good for children, but isn’t always open, so call ahead.  There is camping available, and dogs are allowed in some parts of the campground. http://nysparks.com/parks/141/history.asp#sthash.Ud5oEzhA.dpuf  

Ore Pit Pond, Copake Falls Area, Taconic State Park

Part of Taconic State Park, Ore Pit Pond has a small swim area with a separate wading pool for young children.  This is a cute little park, but not large enough for real swimming, more just for cooling off.  There are pretty camping areas, and dogs allowed on the trails and in some areas of […]

Croton Point Park

This is a very large and open park, just off the Croton Harmon train stop. The park is spacious with beautiful views and landscaping, and a large swimming beach on the Hudson.  Camping, picnic and playground areas are available. The water is murky but greenish in color, though it is on the Hudson which can […]