Beach Road

This is a popular swimming spot on Lake Ontario, where Route 57 and Beach Road divide.  The beach is just down the shore from the public boat launch, and you’ll see a narrow beach that runs alongside the road.  We parked on the road side, and from there it is probably ten steps to get into the water. We were told this is public land, because it is so close to the road.

The beach is small and rocky, but it leads you into turquoise blue waters. It feels like you’re in the Caribbean, and the water is very warm.  There were lots of kids with snorkel masks, and the water is very clear. The water was shallow for a ways out, maybe 3 to 4 feet deep, with a sand bottom and large rocks to climb on. We had a great time there, which is why we don’t have that many pictures…



Location Details

  • 0 min.
  • +44 00.550, -76 16.886
  • Easy

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