Hike Time and Difficulty
ALL HIKE TIMES ARE ONE WAY- please plan accordingly
The purpose of See/Swim is to make the outdoors more accessible, and most of our locations require little or no hiking. We didn’t include any hikes that are more than 3 miles one way, and most are roadside or under 2 miles round trip. All Hike Times and Difficulty ratings are approximate, and based on our personal experiences. We are moderately fit adults in our early 30s- neither one of us are athletes, but we don’t have any significant impairments. We aren’t qualified to assess these trails for children, or for adults with health concerns, and can only go on our own estimations. Please take our assessments as informal and subjective.
To assess your trip please consider both the time and the difficulty, and keep in mind these general guidelines:
EASY Indicates a short trail, one that is under 20 min., or one that is fairly flat
MEDIUM/MODERATE Indicates a trail that is 20-40 min. or has steep sections
DIFFICULT Indicates a trail that is 40+ min. or has multiple steep sections